Bo Li
Research interest: three-photon imaging

  • B.S. in applied physics, 2009
    • Shandong University
  • M.S. in optical communication, 2011
    • Beijing Jiaotong University
    • Supervisor: Prof. Zhongwei Tan
  • Ph.D. in optical communication, 2015
    • INRS-EMT (Montreal, Canada)
    • Beijing Jiaotong University (Beijing, China)
    • Supervisor: Prof. José Azaña and Prof. Shuqin Lou
  • Postdoc in biomedical imaging, 2015-present
    • Cornell University
    • Supervisor: Prof. Chris Xu

Referee activities

  • Regular reviewer for many journals including:
    • Sci. Rep.
    • Opt. Lett.
    • Opt. Express
    • Bio. Opt. Express
    • J. Bio. Opt.
    • Photon. J.
    • Appl. Opt.
    • Electron. Lett.
    • J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
    • IET Sci. Meas. Technol.
    • JIOHS.


  • Computer programming/coding
    • Matlab
      • numerical simulations in > 20 publications.
      • wrote programming code to communicate with hardwares including
        • Data acquisition card
        • Arbitrary waveform generator
        • Oscilloscopes
        • Power meters
        • Motors
    • Python
      • wrote several crawler codes with selenium.
    • Quick macro
      • wrote many gametools for games such as
        • Lords mobile
        • C.A.T.S.
        • twitter
        • Legends of the three kingdoms
        • Tap Titans
  • Telecommunication
    • Build > 10 signal processing systems
    • Familiar with devices such as
      • Oscilloscopes (electronic/optical, sampling/real-time versions)
      • Optical spectrum analyzer
      • Arbitrary waveform generator
      • Waveshaper
      • Incoherent/coherent laser source/amplifiers
      • Photo-detectors/Cameras with GaP/GaAsP/Si/InGaAs
  • Fiber optics
    • Built
      • More than 15 fiber amplifiers (Er-doped and Yb-doped)
      • fiber chirped amplification amplifiers with >10 W output and femtosecond pulse width
      • (wavelength, bandwidth, time delay, intensity) all tunable, multi-color fiber lasers.
      • wavelength-tunable bandwidth source (750-1250 nm, 1550-2520 nm)
    • Did numerical simulations and experiments with:
      • Raman scattering
      • self-phase modulation
      • cross phase modulation
      • four-wave mixing
      • airy pulses/beams
      • high-order dispersion
      • time lenses
  • Microscope
    • built
      • three Raman microscopes
      • several two-, three-photon laser scanning microscopes (linear and resonant scanning)
      • four lasers for different microscopes
      • 3D scanning microscope with a TAG lens
    • Familiar with
      • Ti:Sapphire lasers
      • Optical parametric amplifiers, such as NOPA
  • Biology
    • Mouse surgery (replace mouse brain skull with a cranial window)
    • Dye injection
    • Imaging of >30 mice
    • Analysis of neural activity